Wednesday 23 September 2009

Common Codes And Conventions.

Butterfly Effect.  2004 Eric Bress and J. Mackye Gruber. 
Sand Serif and black background connotes thriller.
Main characters are shown straight away.
Blonde girl signifies naivety, death of character and possibly sexually available.
Black and white shows past. Flashbacks. Blackouts. Quick montage shows past and memories.
Chose of voice over shows male commanding and powerful.
Special effects signify sci fi genre also hospital signifies genre (verisimilitude) and high budget.
Soft rock appeals to the female audience.
Binary opposition signifies something bad could happen elliptical editing (cutting out time).
Shows star names to appeal to audience.
White light shows supernatural and horror genre.
Website and Company info.
Release Date.

Ask what women's scared off then shot of her fear. (the woods)

Point Break. 
Fire sand serif writing signifies danger.
Music soft, appeals to women, glamourous relates to baywatch. Cheesy 80's.
Action, violence and crime

Step Brothers 2008  
Writing Child like - Comedy
Realistic shooting ie coronation street round the table
Music adds to comical effect.
Humour genre fits with mise-en-scene.
2 Older men in bed. Shows immature humour of the movie.
Fast shots showing different scenes with music
Shows names of famous people for promotion.
Date of showing at the end.

Slumdog Millionaire.  Danny Boyle 2008.
Well known advertising - Film 4 UK and WB Conglomerate.
Music indian genre.
Shows awards.
Danny Boyle Directer well known.
Theme tune of who wants to be millionaire.
Dark setting glimpses of scene gives tense atmosphere.
Text used to outline story. Money in background.
Close up on faces shows emotion in the movie.
Gives away movie for a reason.
Text link to picture true love.
Music changes again to sadness.
Indian characters stereotypes.
Juxtapositions and Binary oppositions.
Action and romance hybrid genre.
Song appeals to wider audience
Shows reviews and hyperbolic language.

Dark lighting
Low dull music
Scene abandoned
Music Heightens scene then music stops then scary words or action said
Little girl singing creates creepy scary feeling
Red writing signifies blood
Tag line 'dont fall asleep' repeated throughout gets into your head along with the song
Drum sounds like footsteps coming closer
Fast montage of scary shots
Scream after silence
Knife scraping against wall signifies death

Silence then mothering wispering 'everything will be ok' gives the chill factor.
Meat gives the signifer of blood and death.
Red Writing used.

The titles are red with veins coming off it which shows the genre.
Women more the victim man strong and leaving the women behind.

Young girl with dark hair.
Swings signify children and horror
Close up on girls face when frustrated and scared.

White lighting, hospital horror theme
Ticking clock makes it intense and pressurised.

Brunette girl strong and independant
black screen then flashes of light and shots of human parts
Opening eyes done with unfocused shots representing her sight
Child voice and wooshing sounds to represent people in the room with her
Mirrors feel like someone will appear on screen

Police sirens signify problem
Fast shots of dark shots of man with handcuffs

Empty park signifies horror
door closing alone assume ghosts or someone in house
'the games children play when there alone in the dark'

Name mentioned and setting scene, tranquil and alone.
Teenage cast
Knife shoes death of the girls
'a beautiful crime' Oxymoron

Romantic setting, narrative enigma from shot of gun
sound of swing shows she's alone
See someone in background not clearly makes you want to see more
Record playing child singing / track breaks
fast shots with knife and killer

Blonde naive girl, soft music.
Could be room/com genre at first until see the older women and music signifies horror
Dark setting alone when she srikes loud music plays
Shadows on floor

Music sets heart beat and images change with the drum.
Words that scare you come on screen 'run, sacrifice and kill'

Shots are like flashing lights then black out showing company name
Classical music used sense of irony
Evil laughing in background

Blonde girl
Showing distance / alone
Knife signifying death
shows killer
fast shots at end

Showing already families happy
Scene gets darker and atmosphere changes
Showing director from 'donny darko'

Romantic dreamy camera shots using unfocused camera and echo voice
Dark lighting
White sand serif titles
shots of dead girls with high pitch screeches
Fast shots from the beginning
White girl looks dead shown throughout

Teen cast having fun falling of board signifies death
13 unlucky
repitition of narrative voice at the end

Legion. (2010) 
Narrative voice girl.
Old woman as villan
From everyday setting to a sci fi genre
SPX angels
Fast montage of shots at the end.

Acolytes. (2009)
Boy narrative shouting 'stop'
In the woods
subtitles of words come on screen relating to genre
teenage cast
fast clips of things there doing
No music suspense then body in ditch
Torture shown through fast clips
close up of gun
Blood signifies death

The Burrowers 2009.
Western music shows setting
gives time and date in subtitles
Horse hurting itself signifies genre (narrative enigma)
Silence then action shot with high screetching sound
Child screaming

The Cell Two
Brown haired women intelligant
Blue tint
Sci-fi lighting

Cold Prey 2009. 
Adventure genre snow mountains - something goes wrong
fast clips blonde innocent girl gets attacked
blood signifies death
Subtitles from critics
Shots white to fit in with name of movie.

Eden Log 2009.
Torch lighting face sci-fi and horror genre
Black and white
Close up of young girls eyes looking scared.

One Missed Call 2008 
Child like ring tone that sticks in mind repetitive
Young cast brown and blonde hair girls

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