Wednesday 18 November 2009

Audience Feedback.

-Use female items for killing for example straighteners and hair dryer 
-Link in one male stereotypically going out with a blonde which shows she's sexually active and most likley to get killed
-Male could appear as killer but is actually the  final boy this gives the audience some narrative enigma. Accidental death others run off but not actually dead thats why she gets revenge. 

-Link to 'I know what you did last summer' 

When shooting the footage we thought our lighting would of been correct for viewing but once we had uploaded it and showed it the audience they thought it was too dark even though it was a horror genre, it was unclear to see characters.

The audience all said they really like the under water shot they said it worked well and signified there was more scary aspects to come.

Once we had done the sink shot with the killer coming behind the girl who hits her head on the mirror, the audience thought it would work better if the shots were cut more for example you would see an arm then the girls face and then the killers body coming across.

Also another shot that could be made better is the car scene instead of one long shot have the action of being grabbed round the neck and then a close up of the neck or the girls emotion to empathise fear.

-Longer moon shot 
-When dare appears on screen music kicks in
-Shots too quick
-Long note on pov shot before running starts
-Needs more exposition before running, expecting audience to know characters too early.
-Show the link between 5 years for example using black and white then fading into colour when there older
-Link suspicious boy with mask
-End shot needs to be a medium shot with girl running to camera to create a close up and a scream
-When the girl is 'dead' have a high angle shot of the girls looking down at her.
- Voice over from young girls scared of what they have done
- High angle shot of girls seeing zoe
- Before see girl killed pov shot of running with voice over using footsteps for sound.
-Show hand reaching for a knife

-Fade in to when zoe says dare with music and transition
-Use still and fade on POV with movement
-Too fast shots another still and cut to black with a scream using the flash effect. After the push freeze frame then bring in title even if used twice its a good marketing device.
-Also put in reviews to add to the timing.
-Zoe moves when she should be 'dead' use a still 
-Make sure the story is clear why when she comes back 5 years later dont her friends recognise her.
-Heartbeat would add effect to the visual motif with the mask.
-Cut when closing the locker
-TAGLINE - 3 shots, 3 words.
-Frans shot is too long sped of 3 shots need to be similar 
-End shot emily in the bath
-Breif takes although confusing gives the sense of violence.
38 sects to 58 cut and make a fast montage 15secs
-Zoe's mid shot at the beginning 

-Audio of girls needs to come in earlier
-Stills need to come after the action
-Dissolve into 5 years later.
-Review something better 'the new danny boyle' 'best british  horror...'
-Ambient sound of emily be aware
-More audio needed for both clips eg her name 
-even quicker montage 
- last sound needs to be loud and effective 
- voice over 

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