Monday 12 October 2009

Final Cut Express Review.

I went into the the workshop with a limited knowledge of Final Cut Express. Lucky for me I'm a fantastic learner and the teacher was super he was personable, and had many years of experience in the media industry. We were off to a good start
At first i was intimidated by the software, it felt like i was alone in a desert and a lion was hunting me down. Victor made sure the lion was shot dead and that i left the building feeling like Bill Gates.

Learning the basics skills was easier said than done. Vic joked around about me being left in the distance whilst the rest of the class stormed ahead, he helped me out with a few simple skills which helped me move onto the next stage. I came to realise that Final cut express is amazing, not only is it simple to use but its accurate and FUN!

We focused on the editing of sound which was useful as we hadn't done that in class. Vic's wife was an examiner and she found that students lack of interest in the area of sound really got on her nerves. Vic sorted this problem out for his wife by given us the tips for the nips.

Overall i left the hot headed room mentally stimulated with new facts and thoughts ;) rushing through my young naive mind. Vic had brain washed me for the better....forget iMovie, final cut is the future!

*Learnt how to use the two different screens where the videos.
*How sound can be changed to fit the video
*How to add text to the screen and change where its placed.
*Learnt how you can change times that clips are shown to fit with what you want to be shown
*Learnt how to record your voice to add the the media piece.

I went into the workshop as a seed i left the room as a beautiful rose ready to face the thorns

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