Tuesday 20 October 2009

Group Initial Idea.

Truth Or Dare ? 

  • Starts with a shot of a groups of young (aged 12) Caucasian females round a fire, there is non-diegetic sound of girls singing nursery rhyme "if you go down to the woods today, you're in for a big surprise" (shows the girls are naive and happy)
  • Cuts to girl packing clothes and her mum telling her to be careful and not go off on her own. This can give the audience some exposition and narrative enigma, as to what may happen in the film later on.
  • Cuts back to the girls, one girl is telling a story of how one of her mums friends went missing in the woods when they were little and was never found (narrative enigma). They then start playing truth or dare it is the main protagonists turn she chooses dare. The other girls dare her to go into the woods and find the stream and bring back some water to prove you have found it.
  • As she is walking into the woods she hears noises and thinks someone is following her she starts running and falls right next to the stream and you just see a shadow then her body being taken over.
  • She goes missing then 5 years later is found and returned home but she appears different, she starts school but her 'friends' don't realise who she is. That every night she becomes possessed. On the same date 5 years later of her disappearance, that night she goes and gets her revenge on the girls . . . . . . . 


  1. Can you say more about what inspired this idea? Certain films/TV shows? What films/TV shows might you compare it to? Is there an animatic? If not, when can you produce one (a useful way to practice using Final Cut)?
    Look for opportunities for audience feedback as you go
    The girls singing reminds me of the opening of the original Nightmare on Elm Street, worth looking at

  2. I should add that the idea as outlined so far (what happens in the '...' stage?!) works and should be a fun project to work on. Its not strictly a slasher, but shares many of the features of this (obviously Fri the 13th and Halloween, but also suggest N'mare on ElmSt), so look into that genre, but also be looking at episodes of Buffy/Angel with body-swap/possession narratives, maybe even nice fluffy films like The Exorcist if you can face it! Share these comments with your group if you would be so kind
