Wednesday 16 December 2009

BBFC and Target Audience

The British Board of Film Classification (BBFC), originally British Board of Film Censors, is the organisation legally responsible for film classification within the United Kingdom.

We have chosen our movie to be a 15 due to the content. We studied the guidelines from bbfc and we thought 15 was the suitable rating.

Suitable only for those aged 15 and over.

Nobody younger than 15 can see a 15 film in a cinema. No-one younger than 15 can rent or buy a 15 rated VHS, DVD, Blu-ray Disc, UMD or game.
The groups aim from the beginning of producing the movie was to appeal to both male and female although the cast is female dominated we added in a male to create not only depth to the story for possible chance of having relationship and its conflict in the story line. Although the female dominated cast could appeal to men even more so for the 'male gaze' different representations of women are explored this can create for women also as they can empathise and relate to them.
In analysing visual culture, the concept of The Gaze describes how the viewer gazes upon (views) the people presented and represented.

Our teaser trailer includes an all caucasian cast, however i feel this will still appeal to a range of ethnic groups, not only because of the content within the movie but also that alot of mainstream productions do this and don't find problems with doing so commercially. Due to the all british cast and low budget film our target audience is only the UK therefore we live in a multicultural society so it wont be a shock to the culture

Socio-Economic Groupings.
Our target social class group is C1C2DE as most horrors are although this doesn't mean that the AB range cant watch it its just not specifically for them. Furthermore the cast within the film are acting in the role of that specific social class.
Our film represents a range of ages between 15 and 24 this is due to a number of reasons. Firstly the story-line and genre of the movie horrors generally appeal to a younger audience who are hoping for a scary Friday night, secondly the age of the cast are all younger from the youngest being 12 to the oldest member who is 18 so there is a range to appeal to a wider audience as they can relate to someone. On the other hand our film could attract a mature audience due to the films inter-textual references to classic horror movies such as 'A nightmare on elm street' and 'Halloween'

The entire cast is from the North of England, specifically west Yorkshire. Although you would stereotypically think of farmers and strong accents we chose to use cast members with an accent which which appeal to a wider audience.

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