Friday 18 December 2009


We started the movie using the effect, black and white this is a common convention in movies as it shows the past, the aim of this was to make the story clearer to the audience. We then added a voice over of the girls singing this is create a naive and vulnerable effect on the audience a film that also does this is nightmare on elm street 2009. The voice over is carried on throughout we used a girl to advertise the movie we chose to go against the common code and convention of having a male this is because it is a female based cast and also the voice over will still strong and shocking. 
Inter cutting is another common convention of horror movies it creates suspens
e and fear for the audience. We used a linear sequence at first but then after we had some audience feedback we realised it would be more effective to have it non-linear. 
Titles create anchorage for the story line, after the audience feedback we realised some people were confused with the basic's aspects of the story-line so we made that clearer for example to make the change in time very clear we had titles saying '5 years later'
Using the effect of slow motion it created greater emphasis on the action which we wanted to be clear, for example when the killer gets the young girl. Also after researching teaser trailers it it is clear that timings have to variate and the beginning is usually slower passed which slow mo adds to.
We added transitions to show the passing of time and for the visual as it makes the trailer look to a much higher standard.
After shooting we realised some of our shots were too short so we added still when necessary, it worked nicely as there is a contrast in shot types and shows emphasis upon them.
The soundtrack was created to carry on throughout the trailer, it starts of slower and heightens at the end we added in a big crash at the last shot to make the audience jump and leave them feeling scared and wanting them to watch the movie.

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