Wednesday 16 December 2009

Inter-Textual Links

After thoroughly looking at the common codes and conventions of movies we found some key points that we thought would work well with our ideas to create a high impact teaser trailer for our horror movie.

The idea of a mask is famously used in scream it creates a narrative enigma for the audience of who the killer could be.

Using a brunette haired girl as the antagonist is also used in many movies but the most recent 'Jennifer's Body' this showed the powerful and intimidating character which we wanted to create.
The certainty or having the film set in the woods was from the movie 'The strangers' I think this worked well as the woods are very open which makes the person feel intimidated and exposed.

'Cabin Fever' was not only set in the woods but also had a group of people going together we liked this idea because the differentiation between characters would appeal to a wider audience.

The link between past and present we found in films such as Black christmas and prom night. I think this gives some narrative of what's happened to the characters and possibilities of who the killer or victims could be in the present tense.

We copied a shot from the movie 'Taken' we used it because in the trailer created fear for the audience, and also you get to see the killer in the background and a close up to mid shot of the girl taken away

Another scene we noticed that was effective which was used in several movies was the bath scene, although we didn't want this shot to seem like the girl was getting killed the mise-en-scene gives the effects of a relaxed and peaceful scenario and then suddenly fear (climax). In the film 'What lies beneath' the main shocking scene is in the bath Bath Scene - (1.29). Another trailer that used a bath scene 'Nightmare on elm street 2010' 

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