Tuesday 15 December 2009

Poster Research.

Including star names, well known director or link to a popular film will is a good selling point for your film. Star names often printed on the top. If the name of the director isn't known but has worked on a famous film it could include the name of the film they have worked on for example 'from the director of'. When unknown actor used either dont mention their names or put 'Introducing...'The title should stand out the most, there's a variety of ways this could be done using photoshop.
A tag-line is very important, as it will stick in the audiences heads. Make sure its a different font to the title and names etc. It can be placed anywhere on the poster. They give exposition and anchorage. A pun or play on words can be more appealing. An effective slogan can be a good marketing device.
Details to include in institutional listing.
Costumer Designer, Co-Producers, Music Composer, Casting, Producers, Editors etc
Reviews create more Anchorage for your p
olysemic visual composition. Ratings and quotes.
Include logo's and release date.

Clearly signify the genre
Appeal to the target audience
Demonstrate use of technology
Signify the basic storyline and relationships

Keep record of tools used within phot
oshop to show skills used and analyse how i could of
made it better.

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