Thursday 17 December 2009

Rough Cuts.

We found after our first time of shooting that the lighting shown on the camcorder is misleading, it looked fine then when we went to upload it to the computer it was too dark and unclear so not to the standard we would want for our trailer as the effect for the audience wouldn't be at its greatest. 

Once again in this clip the lighting was far too dark and was unclear for the audience.

Not only in the mise-en-scene is there one of the actors in the background which ruins the shot completely the lightening is also far too bright as it doesn't create the dark, creepy effect we are wanting

When filming we always took other possibilities of shots into account and this is a good example of why. Although the framing and shot is perfectly acceptable we realized that if we took one from outside looking through the window it would be much more realistic as if someone was watching her.

This shot was too high so missed the character walking into the shot which we needed to show the change in time, although the lighting and sound were fine it wasn't what we were needing or the shot


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