Thursday 10 December 2009

Magazine Front Cover - Panic Magazine.

Magazine Design Ideas.
I chose to do the magazine it was a mirror the aim

is to show the genre of the movie but also the twist as
people who havn't watched the movie wont realise the
two girls on the front cover are the sample people but
at different ages in the film.
The contrast in colour of images creates effect on the audience as the black and white image emphasises the
horror genre whereas the young girls image shows she's naive and vulnerable.
The name of the magazine combines with our production company name which works well and the tag line is punchy and fun for the reader.
The red writing signifies death which could appeal to horror genre movie lovers.
The title is in capitals and stands out along with the image as we want this to stick in the audiences head.

If i was to do a magazine front cover again i would learn how to use photoshop to higher standard as the graphics are not to perfection. Furthermore the images may be too large and the front cover could do with some more text, although this is arguable as the image could be the key to drawing readers in.

We decided the re do the poster because after we got some feedback we realized we could re make it to a much higher standard. The masthead wasn't large enough and should be behind the image. Furthermore text should be on the outside of the magazine not in the central position. Placing one image in the centre makes it stand out having two images is too much for the reader to take in and took up too much room on the page. Differentiation with colour of text makes different things stand out the main aim being the title of the movie and the title of the magazine.

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